Have you heard about Witka Wood’s new innovation? We proudly present our latest product, the Witka Wood Massive wooden door, based on CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) technology!
This wooden door represents not only exquisite Finnish design but also the potential to increase export revenue and promote sustainable development.

The Witka Wood Massive wooden door is the result of years of development and collaboration with Edux-Ovet Oy and Crosslam Oy. Designed to withstand the test of time and offer a remarkable user experience, this door combines stunning aesthetics, domestic production, and ecological sustainability, making it the perfect choice for modern buildings.
Designed to withstand the test of time and offer a remarkable user experience, this door combines stunning aesthetics, domestic production, and ecological sustainability, making it the perfect choice for modern buildings.
Check out more about the Witka Wood massive wooden doors >>
Wooden door opened by Corona
Our partnership with Business Finland received a boost during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we proudly introduce this unique product, showcasing the best of Finnish craftsmanship and wood processing.

It closes like the door of Mercedes
In order for the clt element to remain a functional and beautiful door product, it places certain new demands on the wood raw materials and gluing technical solutions. In the end, the product worked really well after many experiments with materials and prototypes. I can claim with great certainty that this our new product is the strongest and most hardest door product made of pure wood raw material on the market. It was also a great moment when I got to grab the handle of our proto door for the first time and open it. The feeling of using it immediately reminded me of the old saying, “closes like Mercedes’ door”.
The design of the every new product is a long process and a journey from the idea born inside the head all the way to the finished product for sale. At the beginning, working with new partners is always a little learning about each other’s strengths and ways of working. Similarly, using new materials and production methods can be like jumping into cold water. Working with new partners in the creative process almost always brings new ideas and the opportunity to look at things outside the box. At their best, the precise technical vision of engineers and the open-minded inspiration of creative designers together create top products, which I think we Finns can be really proud of.
A modern and ecological wooden door product
It will be interesting to see what kind of story this our new wonderful door product will develop. The spirit of the times and a strong orientation towards products made with ecological and sustainable development principles is a really strong trend at the moment. The carbon sink, carbon footprint, recyclability, long service life and 100% Finnish quality of Witka Wood Massive wooden doors are certainly things that many see as important today when thinking about door purchases.
But the fact that we finally have a Finnish solid wood door on the market, whose shape and design perfectly meets the needs of contemporary architecture and consumers, will definitely not play a smaller role in our product. The appearance of the product has received great praise and it seems that it is easy to find a version for everyone’s taste among its different model options. Honestly, as a designer, I can say that I haven’t had to make any appearance compromises when designing this great Witka Wood Massive wooden door.
Check out more about the Witka Wood massive wooden doors >>
Designer Ville Witka