Witka Wood fireplaces
Modern fireplace technology for reserve heating or fast heat production. Design that appears as a unifying factor, which makes fireplaces a natural eye-catcher in the space.
When you want warmth right away, Piccolo is at its best. Thanks to the circulating air feature, it heats up quickly and the reserve stone elements provide enough heat even after the fire goes out. Piccolo’s uniqueness lies in its changing appearance. The metal jacket of the fireplace can be changed. Shells in different colors are available individually. Now you can update the fireplace with a new look with interior changes!
Grande is version 2.0. from the traditional and beloved fireplace. The spare structure has been preserved, but the inner parts are made with new casting technology. The outer shell is a smooth-surfaced steel cylinder, with a striking glass Fireplace Door that also brings the fire into the interior.